Boulder CO – #1 Place to Start a Business!

Boulder CO is Forbes top pick in America

Here in Boulder CO we are used to being voted happiest place, skinniest place or best place to retire. Now we’re proud to add another ranking. Forbes just announced that (the metropolitan area of) Boulder CO was deemed the #1 place to start a business. It out-ranks worthy competition from other small cities such as Wilmington NC, Bridgeport-Norwalk-Stamford CT, Evansville IN-KY and Cedar Rapids IO.

“It’s the best U.S. metropolitan area for starting a business in 2015, providing would-be founders access to co-working spaces and incubators as well as capital investors, according to data released this week by personal finance site NerdWallet.”

The study looked at 183 metropolitan areas with 15,000 businesses or more and with populations of at least 250,000. It evaluated the average revenue of local businesses, what percentage can claim paid employees, and the number of businesses per 100 residents.  It also factored in  median annual income, housing costs, and unemployment rate.

Boulder CO


So… When you are out shopping for houses with me in Boulder CO and having a minor stroke at the list prices and a bigger stroke when I tell the selling price will likely be $30,000+ higher still, keep this in mind.  You ARE paying for location and with it come the opportunities as well as the happy, healthy, outdoorsy, socially and environmentally responsible culture too. It might be a pill that is hard to swallow right now, but the long term benefits are good!

Part of the reason that real estate prices are so high in Boulder CO is because so many people want to be here. Quality of life and opportunity to thrive are valuable and buyers are willing to put a price on it… And then an escalation clause too!